
Marketing Tools

Interior Demountable Glass Wall Systems Marketing Kit

This toolkit was created to help glazing contractors enter the $1 billion demountable glass wall market. It includes a fact sheet that explains this market and your two opportunities: installation-only and glazing supported systems (customized demountable glass wall systems), along with the following marketing materials. 

  • Tips for Success, a fact sheet that tells you more about interior glazing and guides your marketing efforts.
  • A customizable brochure to send out to furniture dealers and manufacturers for installation-only opportunities.
  • A customizable email and brochure to send out to architect and design companies and general contractors for glazing supported systems opportunities (customized demountable glass walls).

Get the Marketing Toolkit

Coatings Expo Toolkit

A step-by-step guide to hosting a successful Coatings Expo in your District Council.

Holding a Coatings Expo increases IUPAT recognition in the industry, develops stronger industry partner relationships, and can generate more work opportunities for IUPAT members. It also establishes the IUPAT as the leading authority in training for and working as coating application specialists.

The Coatings Expo Toolkit is designed to guide you on how to hold an event that will not only highlight the training program of the IUPAT, but also offer classes in the latest advances and techniques for the prevention and mitigation of corrosion taught by industry experts. Attendees also can receive credit for professional development hours (PHD).

Case Studies

Representing the different finishing trades, these industry case studies showcase each project’s challenges and the innovative solutions that IUPAT contractors and craftspeople, through their skills and advanced training, used to triumph over them.

These studies are available to download so IUPAT members and employers have yet another tool to build market share and spread the word that no finishes a job like the IUPAT and its industry partners.

To review all the case studies, click here.