Case Studies & Research
Coating Application Specialist: CAS
The New Standard for Quality, Safety and Reliability in Industrial Painting.
Every year, huge financial losses occur due to failures of industrial paints and coating. Coating failures can occur for dozens of reasons, although they are typically a result of poor application or an inadequate specification.
This white paper examines the most common types of coating failures and their causes, and how the CAS certification, and the men and women of the IUPAT with that certification, is solving this problem.
Finishing First Webinar Series
COVID-19 and the Future of the Finishing Trades
In 2019, at the Finishing Industries Forum, Finishing First presented an industry study by FMI, the leading research and consulting firm in engineering and construction, on the Finishing Trades looking forward ten years. This six-month study covered economic, political, social and technological factors that would dictate trends in construction for the Finishing Trades over the course of the next decade.
Then COVID-19 happened…
On December 3, 2020, Finishing First hosted a webinar featuring FMI presenting updated research from 2019 and the COVID-19 factor.
Watch the video below and the slide presentation is available HERE.
Training Centers of the Future:
Exploring the Efficacy of Virtual Reality.
Exceptional advancements in Virtual Reality (VR) technology have been made in recent years, and education and training may represent the greatest beneficiaries of this trend over time, introducing altogether new ways to immerse the student or trainee into a lesson or exercise.
Considering the inherent costs and risks associated with live construction equipment operator training, VR has the potential for organizations like the IUPAT to accelerate the acquisition and retainment of skills, improve safety and reduce costs.
Infrastructure Crisis
Our public and private infrastructure is aging and deteriorating, but corrosion can be controlled with protective coatings applied by the highly-trained members of the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades workforce. Explore these resources to see how corrosion prevention is an attainable solution.

Federal Highways and Bridges
Local Highways and Bridges
Water Infrastructure
Energy Infrastructure