
Rewarding Safety in a New Way

The LMCI Safety Training Awards Recognition Program, or STAR, has been implemented across North America. Although each district council adds their own elements to the program, the basic premise of the program is that workers are rewarded with prizes and a banquet if they successfully complete advanced safety training and maintain a good safety record on the job.

cpwrRecently, a research team supported by the Center for Construction Research and Training developed a new type of a safety incentive program with a different approach to rewarding safety. B-SAFE recognizes and rewards safe work practices based on the project’s existing safety program, unlike STAR which basis is based on performance over the course a long period of time, sometimes as much as a year.  The immediacy of the this incentive-based method is starting to get noticed.

Read more about the research HERE in the Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health.