IUPAT Industrial Painters
See you at AMPP 2024 – Booth 1211!
The IUPAT is Your Resource for Business
and Workforce Solutions
For a higher level of protection, durability and safety –
The International Union
of Painters and Allied Trades
The IUPAT has developed the most
qualified craftspeople since 1887.
World-Class Training at over 100
training centers across North America.
Skilled in all aspects of surface preparation & coating application for complex industrial & marine structures.
A partner with AMPP to raise
industry quality and safety standards.
Certified workers, accredited programs and training centers.
Spanning every aspect of the industrial
coatings industry, from blasting to inspection.
Mastery in building complex platforms
to assure worker safety.
At the forefront of the latest
technologies, techniques and safety regulations.
Superior work that’s
on time and on budget.