
iFTI and Finishing First Covid-19 Resources

UPDATED June 10, 2020

iFTI/Finishing First LMCI Updates

Coronavirus – Covid-19 Fact Sheet, Workpaper and Webinar

At the beginning of 2020, the iFTI formalized the hiring of Bernie Mizula as our Industrial Hygienist expert to address safety issues IUPAT members face in our industries.

Resources to educate members and contractors on the Covid-19 issue are listed and available to view or download below. More resources are being developed in the coming weeks and will be offered to all.

Find the Covid-19 Fact Sheet to download HERE.

Watch a webinar on the virus and its impact on our members and workplaces HERE.

The iFTI has released a COVID-19 Construction Site Management Plan – HERE.

The IUPAT Return to Work Guide – HERE. The return to work video – HERE.

The iFTI and Finishing First Safety Team worked off of this list of resources and links to create Covid-19 plans and documents listed above – HERE.

IFTI LMS Covid-19 Resources

There is more information on classes available on the Covid-19 issue on the iFTI LMS – HERE.

Additionally, all IUPAT members have been automatically assigned to the COR 195 Coronavirus Preparedness for Employers and Employees course.

  1. Under the LMS My Account page, go to the Learning Activities section.
  2. Find COR 195 Coronavirus Preparedness for Employers and Employees course (sort by clicking the gray toolbar or use CTRL+F).
  3. Click Go button.
  4. On the Course Page, you can:
    -Click the Coronavirus webinar presented by Bernie Mizula link under course description or
    -Download the additional resources shared by the District Councils under the Course Materials section.

Providing LMS Training to District Councils

Distance learning is our new future for much of what we do in the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades and the International Finishing Trades Institute.

The online iFTI Learning Management System (LMS) was launched years ago as a supplement to our hands-on training, and it is now one of our primary resources to keep the training going for when we all get through this pandemic.

The iFTI immediately hosted two LMS Admin Webinars on March 18th and 19th on how to use LMS and register members for classes and course work.  Find that webinar recording HERE.

Enhanced Distanced Learning Strategy– 

Because this is a fairly new frontier for training in the trades, the iFTI staff researched and developed a distance learning strategy document that was delivered to the IUPAT directors of training. That information and access to resources is HERE.


Various demonstrations on how to properly identify and use approved PPE.

Spanish Version

Finally – Be Well and Take Care of Each Other

The iFTI and Finishing First have created where IUPAT members and their families can find the resources to help those struggling with substance use disorder and other mental health needs.

Visit the site to download educational materials and find all the phone numbers you need to get assistance for yourself or give help to those you care about.